Congratulations on your pregnancy and welcome to the world of researching in preparation for your baby’s arrival! You may already have an idea of what hypnobirthing is to make it to this page and be wondering, is it right for us, or you may just be looking for information on what this course is that so many mums talk about these days. Let me help you out.

Firstly, hypnobirthing IS NOT just about breathing. Nope. Unless you want to do a private course focussing on it. It’s FAR more!! It IS NOT hippy unless you want it to be. It IS NOT hypnosis. It uses some of the thinking behind it, but I’m not putting you into a trance, it’s about using harnessing the power of your mind to trust in your birthing body, your birth knowledge and overcoming fears.

Hypnobirthing aims to teach you to feel empowered and calm about your birth through relaxation, breathing techniques, gentle touch, active birthing and self-awareness rather than the way it’s often shown on TV, in the media and in films. By giving you the skills to understand your body and how it births a baby, you’ll feel ready to meet your little one and fully informed for the choices you may make along the way. Ultimately my aim is for you to feel calm and confident to have the best birth for you possible whether that’s in hospital, in a birth centre or at home.

About Sarah McIvor founder of Birth Boss

About Me

Hello! I’m Sarah! I was introduced to the concept of hypnobirthing years ago when my best friend mentioned that she was using it to prepare for the birth of her sons.
When it came to my first pregnancy, I was in no doubt I wanted to try it and dragged by rather sceptical and reluctant partner along to a face to face KG Hypnobirthing course over one weekend. We came away armed with many relaxations, skills and a sense of confidence which we didn’t feel before, but also excitement of how we could make this birth our own. Long story short, my son arrived at 41+2 after a lovely early labour at home until my surges were just a couple of minutes apart when we headed to hospital delivery suite. After just a few more hours of active labouring; walking, rocking, kneeling, using our hypnobirthing skills and just a Tens machine, our little man arrived.
For my second baby, I decided that I didn’t want the fuss of leaving my birth space. Despite what people say, medical evidence shows that home birth is as safe as hospital for normal pregnancies (yes, it’s true), and so the idea of having a birth pool, my own bed or sofa after giving birth and all the snacks and drinks I might want, that’s what we planned. At 40+2 my second son was born in the birth pool, less than an hour after the first midwife arrived at our house. We were supported by two wonderful midwives and one student (the more hypnobirths they see the better they’ll support mothers when they qualify) and they were gone just two hours later. 

Going into birth without fear, perhaps even a sense of joy and excitement is the best way to help you feel in control of your birth as you are in a partnership with your mind and body, and your birth partner is a natural extension of that. Despite giving birth in the peak week of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, I can honestly say it wasn’t even in my mind while I focussed on birthing my baby, thanks to my Hypnobirthing practice, and that’s what led me to train as a teacher offering courses in the Medway and North Kent areas. I can’t wait to help you birth with confidence too.